I just received my copy of the brand new book, Rattlesnakes of Arizona, Vol. 1, edited by Gordon Schuett et al and illustrated by Tell Hicks. It's an exhaustive and beautiful book--736 pages. Here's my reaction to Tell's illustrations:

Read more: Carel P. Brest van Kempen

If you have an avid interest in rattlesnakes, you will reread and utilize this book for a lifetime. If you have only a passing interest in rattlesnakes, this book is a good way to end up with an avid interest. Highly recommended. – Kelly Chabak

Absolutely fantastic – up there with classical works like FitzSimons' Snakes of South Africa, Pitman's Snakes of Uganda. Next year I have to drive to Arizona to search for all these Rattlesnakes. I like Hicks' illustrations which add tremendous scientific and artistic value. – Thomas Hakansson

The content is unparalleled in sheer volume of information. I know of no other work that includes so much information about these animals in one book, and it is easily accessible and relevant to the academic and the casual hobbyist alike. It is obvious that all of the authors left no stone unturned in order to provide the most current and relevant information. – Diego Oritz

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